Day 4 Agenda

5th Pacific Geospatial and Surveying Council Meeting

PGSC-5 DAY 4– 14th August 2020

Venue: Virtual

Participation: By Invitation (Closed)

Rapporteur: PGSC Partnership Desk

Please note that these virtual sessions are available through ZOOM Application; Meeting ID and password will be provided by the meeting moderators. All meeting times are based on Fiji Local Time.

Link Participants                                                                              Host: Dean Solofa, PGSC Partnership Desk
11.00 AM Welcome Meizyanne Hicks, PGSC Vice-Chair


11.10 AM Pacific Geospatial and Surveying Council Elections

–            Chair

–            Vice Chair

–            COSPPac SCM  Representative 

Dean Solofa, SPC

PGSC members

12.00 PM Options Paper to review PGSC Working Group arrangements

Presentation, followed by discussion 

Molly Powers-Tora, SPC

PGSC members

12.45 PM Review and Endorse PGSC Charter Meizyanne Hicks, Fiji

PGSC members

1.15 PM PGSC Meeting Outcome and Declaration PGSC members and PGSC Partnership Desk
1.45 PM Next Meeting and Closing Remarks In-coming PGSC Chair